EPRO Commercial RO System
EPRO™ Commercial Systems are designed to maximize water purification efficiency. Available models offer a choice of flow rates and configurations for removal of dissolved solids and other impurities from tap water or brackish water. Purified high-quality water is supplied to your application at existing point of use.
Typical Applications
- Carwash rinse water (for spot-free shine)
- Laundries and cleaners
- Food and beverage production, bottling
- Pharmaceutical production/laboratories
- Paint and assembly
- Electronics fabrication
- Boiler & cooling tower makeup water
- Misting, humidification
- Nurseries, greenhouses
- Built for reliability and durability, the EPRO systems are equipped with efficient, high quality pumps, motors, and membranes for energy savings and low maintenance
- Up to 99.4% purification rate2 provides clean water and improved wash/rinse characteristics, reducing service cost of equipment and appliances by removing harmful chemicals and minerals
- Up to 80% recovery rates3 minimize water waste
- Complete RO system shipped preassembled to enable fast installation, limiting start-up costs and space requirements