EPRO 1500E

EPRO 1500E

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EPRO™ E systems are designed to maximize water purification efficiency and produce high quality clean water from tap water or brackish water. After removing impurities such as bacteria and dissolved solids, clean water is supplied through existing taps (faucets) for use in residences and commercial applications.


  • Complete RO systems with efficient, high quality pumps, motors, and membranes for energy savings and low maintenance
  • Up to 99.4% purification rate2 provides clean water and improved wash/rinse characteristics, reducing service cost of equipment and appliances by removing harmful chemicals and minerals
  • Up to 40% recovery rates3 minimize water waste
  • Compact, preassembled design enables installation in under 2 hours, limiting start-up costs and space requirements


  • Purification of home water supply
  • Carwash rinse water (for spot-free shine)
  • Laundries and cleaners
  • Food and beverage production, bottling
  • Pharmaceutical production/laboratories
  • Paint and assembly • Electronics fabrication
  • Boiler & cooling tower makeup water
  • Misting, humidification
  • Nurseries, greenhouses
  • Commercial printing