Cochrane Spray Valve - A101
The Chicago spray valve has been designed to increase the efficiency and reduce maintenance in the deaerating heaters and other equipment. This valve is the culmination of years of research and operating experience and represents the latest thinking in the field.
Because of its shape and the fact that it is 100% hydraulically balanced, the valve discharges the fine film of water in the shape of a hollow cone. The spray pattern persists from less than 5% to over 200% of the valve's rated capacity. Rounded entrance and machined seating surfaces keep pressure loss to an absolute minimum and also assists in maintaining the spray pattern over the wide flow range.
The valve is ruggedly constructed being fabricated entirely from type 316 stainless steel bar stock and castings. The minimum thickness used is 3/16 inch. The valves are securely fastened in the inlet sections of deaerators and hot process softeners by two 1/2" silver plated, stainless steel locknuts. It is gasketed with a Teflon gasket.