Aquafine SL Series UV System - 10 to 20 GPM
Models Available
SL Series: SL 1 and MP 2 SL
Aquafine’s SL Series provide a compact design and economical ultraviolet (UV) water treatment for lowflow disinfection applications, such as laboratory and medical facility water, pharmaceutical make-up processes, final electronic component rinsing and recirculation loops, to name a few.
The Aquafine SL Series consists of a 316L stainless steel treatment chamber and a 304L stainless steel control panel in one integral unit. All models are compact in size, maximizing installation flexibility and preserving floorspace. Aquafine’s singleended lamps allow for quick change-outs without tools.
• UV & temperature monitoring system (select models)
• UV & temperature detector,* hot water sanitizable
• UV intensity 4-20mA*
• Lamp Out Alert (LOA)
• Stainless steel compression nuts
• Sample ports
• Sanitary fittings
• Validated lamps
• Additional voltages available
Note: These options are only available on SL models.
Safe & Effective
UV disinfection is a chemical-free process that adds nothing to the water except UV light. It provides
rapid, effective inactivation of microorganisms through a physical process. When bacteria, viruses
and protozoa are exposed to the germicidal wavelengths of UV light, they are rendered incapable
of reproducing and infecting. No carcinogenic disinfection by-products are created, and no transportation, storage or handling of toxic or corrosive chemicals is necessary.